Welcome to my little site on a more nostalgic space of the internet. I am a Reformed Madrian, more commonly known as an Independent Filianist. But what do either of those terms mean?
They denote a person of the Filianic Faith, or Faith of the Daughter. Originally, they called themselves Madrians, and called the religion Madrianism. Over time, Filianism became the preferred nomenclature. My own path hearkens back to the original, and looks to reform some of the practice in order to work well in a current age.
A short definition would be seeing Deity as Feminine, and Trinitarian. We have our own wheel of the year calendar, set of scriptures, and devotional paths. I welcome those interested in learning more to check out the pages. This site is currently under construction, all pages will be built in time. If you wish to learn more, I do have an already built blog wherein I delve into specific topics but have more information readily available. I just wanted a smaller site and rather enjoyed the nostalgic aspect of neocities that harkens back to earlier days of the internet.
See https://cervamadriana.blogspot.com if you wish to know more. Thank you!

Unless your souls be simple as the running deer, My children, and your hearts as little children filled with wonder, how shall you attain liberation? - Teachings 6:1

A welcoming space to all. Please contact at cervamadriana@gmail.com with any and all questions.
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